Color is one of the most important components to a brand. When somebody is looking at your logo, your ultimate goal is to have it be memorable to the viewer. Color helps with that. Here are 5 steps that will help you choose your color palette like a pro.
1. Understanding the Psychology of Color
Do you ever wonder why McDonalds chose the colors red and yellow for their logo? Or why a lot of social media icons are blue? Colors trigger certain emotions and feelings in us. Click here to get a better understanding of the psychology of color.
2. Gather inspiration
Remember, Pinterest is your friend! Create a secret board and start to pin images that evoke the mood you want your brand to have. As you pin more and more images, you will start to see a trend in what colors you like.
3. Narrow it down
After you’ve reviewed your Pinterest board, see what colors come up the most. Chances are, those are the colors you should go with (as long as they make sense with the psychology of color).
4. Don’t forget about color theory
Color theory is important because it helps you realize what colors go well together. Once you have picked one or two colors that you know you want to include in your logo, click here to read about color theory which will help you choose accent colors for your logo and brand. I always try to choose two neutral colors and add one pop of color as the accent or vice versa.
5. Choose your palette
Once you’ve read about the psychology of color and color theory, and gathered inspiration, its time to make your palette official. Remember, less is more. Happy color hunting!